Pexels - Anastasia Shuraeva

Remote working is not only an appealing choice for professionals seeking flexibility, but it may also be required in certain instances. However, because working from home may blur the border between work and personal life, it can be difficult to maintain focus at times. Here are five methods for minimizing distractions, maintaining attention, and remaining productive at home.


Having your own place is essential for staying focused. We recommend investing in a workstation and an ergonomic chair to allow you to work comfortably without stressing your neck or back. Choose a chair that is comfy for you; your body will thank you.

Additionally, you should work on a clean and tidy table with only the necessary items such as crucial papers, a business phone, something to drink, and a notepad. Other objects, such as books or table decorations, may distract you.


Getting out of bed and remaining in your pyjamas is both appealing and time-saving. This may work for some, but it stops many people from psychologically creating a professional, productive working environment since they believe they are not at work. Dress as if you were going to work, or at least as if you were leaving the house, to get into the working attitude.


It is critical to remember that when working from home, you are solely responsible for completing your responsibilities properly and quickly. To help break up the day, we propose that you start your work at the same time every day and create a definite time limit for your team break and lunch break. Maintaining a schedule similar to your normal day at the workplace is critical to remaining productive.

You should schedule precise times for specific tasks between these time windows. For example, in the morning, prioritize calls and meetings, and in the afternoon, prioritize emails and research. This way, you may complete all of your responsibilities in a systematic manner while still feeling productive, fulfilled, and comfortable at the end of the day.


Regular pauses are necessary to allow your brain to rest and your batteries to recharge. Take a quick stroll in the sunshine to recharge with vitamin D, contact friends, or energize yourself with a good, light snack during your lunch break.

Even if it's only extending your legs and going to the kitchen for a cup of tea or coffee, or strolling out to the garden for a breath of fresh air, it's crucial to keep moving!


It is critical to distinguish between working hours and spare time. However, it is equally crucial that your personal and professional settings, as well as those that surround them, understand when it is time to work and when it is time to relax.

Communicate openly with your family and friends about your schedule, and consider informing them of the times you will need to take crucial phone or video calls in order to avoid being distracted. You'll have extra time for family and friends during breaks or after work.